
Safety cards

I started taking pictures of myself and my wife who I was staying with at home over 60 days in isolation due to Pandemic. I have realised that I do not control anything just like on a plane, my life became unpredictable.


This series of self-portraits was taken during the Pandemic in 2020 when I was staying in self-isolation. This is sort of comic about a man with a bandaged nose, because masks are not sold in pharmacies, and since any mask is now mandatory – he forced to wear a medical bandage on his nose.

Body care

I was born with a big wide nose and around age of twelve I started to be ashamed of it.

Marrow transplantation

Self-portrait for Blood5 magazine – online magazine about bone marrow donation and the fight against leukemia.


This is ongoing project which I have started to work on two years ago. I named it Prozac. It is an antidepressant which is used for the treatment of major depressive disorder.

Apocalypse package

In this series I tried to imagine what would be if the plastic pollution has taken over the world.


I do believe the only magic exists that anybody is capable to perform such as to vacuum a carpet or to change a light bulb.

If I were

In my case, a self-portrait is about artificiality and about endless posing. What does it actually mean being yourself?



Moscow international biennale of contemporary art. “New bonds”(2017).



Last year I took a lot of pictures of people on the beaches, and then cut out the figures from these documentary photographs.

Where are we going?

This project lies at the junction of fashion photography and typology, which I started in 2022 in Istanbul. Basically, I take pictures on Taksim Square, in the most tourist place of the city.

The Epiphany

Believing that on this day water becomes holy and is imbued with special powers, Russians cut holes in the ice of lakes and rivers.

Karaoke staff

Karaoke in Vietnam has come into fashion 15 years and now it’s essential part of Vietnamese society. Nowadays buildings with a sign «KARAOKE» can been seen everywhere, even in tiny towns, where population 1000 people a few karaokes could be found.

Fan ID 2018

I shot portraits of football fans, asking their opinion of Russia, given the fact that many of them had been living in Russia for weeks.

Country fashion

In a small ordinary Russian city which situated on the river Don live 20 000 people. There are 4 schools and one cinema that demonstrates movies from the previous year.


Red Istanbul, 2019

Red Istanbul

I decided to stay in Istanbul for a couple of months, on the way from Egypt to Moscow. Before that, I looked at more than a thousand photos that have ever been taken in this city by the Magnum Agency. I was most impressed by Alex Webb’s book «The city of a hundred names”.

Forsaken resort

Hurghada It is a main tourist centre and third largest city in Egypt located on the Red Sea coast.